We often read or hear about the spread of dengue fever in Southeast Asia, especially during the hot and rainy season.
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease that can have potentially lethal complications if not given proper medical care. But how well do we understand this viral disease?
Professor Thomas Lescot, Europ Assistance’s Chief Medical Officer, answers some of the common questions you may have about dengue to help you better understand it and take the right steps to protect yourself against the disease.
Common symptoms of dengue fever typically emerge 4 to 7 days after an individual is bitten by an infected mosquito, and include high fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, pain behind the eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea.
The best prevention is to reduce your chances of getting bitten by mosquitoes. Actions you can take include wearing long pants, long sleeved shirts, and socks, using a mosquito repellent, or installing window screens or nettings.
It is also important that you do a regular check of your home environment to reduce any potential breeding areas by eliminating stagnant water such as watering cans, buckets, clogged drains, by keeping roof gutters clear, placing BTI insecticide inside or regularly changing water in vases or under plant pots.
Falling ill with dengue can be an unpleasant experience, so you should take the steps to minimise your chances of getting infected. If you think you’re experiencing suspected symptoms of dengue fever, you can consult online one of our doctors.